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Patricia Bonk for Illinois! 

My name is Patricia Bonk, and I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my political campaign for Illinois Representative in the 30th District, aimed at bringing about positive change in the great state of Illinois. With the vision of building a better future for all residents, our campaign will focus on addressing pressing issues, fostering inclusive policies, and empowering the people of Illinois to create a brighter tomorrow.

I'm a proud Grassroots Conservative Republican that has a vision to rebuild our great state to the greatness we had before. Unfortunately, the state and its residents are suffering at the hands of a liberal agenda that is selling us out. Corruption is rampant, and we are not sure how long this state can survive financially before we go bankrupt. 

As a healthcare worker, I've mastered having to treat injured patients in the emergency room. Now I want to treat and heal Illinois with these same principles. It's not too late to save our great state. 

We will build our campaign on these key pillars:

1. Economic Prosperity: We believe that every resident of Illinois deserves the opportunity to thrive. We will prioritize policies that create jobs, support small businesses, and attract investment to our state. By fostering a strong and diverse economy, we can strengthen communities and ensure a promising future for all. I promise to lower your taxes and to bring back industry and jobs. 

2. Crime Free Illinois: I'm against HB3653, the no bail law. It's time to hold criminals accountable, and we cannot afford to give violent offenders a pass. I support the Police and I will provide to them with the necessary funding, so they can do their jobs to protect our families and communities. I will challenge the drug trade, that are pouring killer drugs into our state. It's about saving lives. 

3. Education and Innovation: Illinois has always been a hub for innovation, and we are committed to fostering an education system that matches that legacy. Our campaign will champion policies that prioritize quality education, provide resources to students and teachers, and promote lifelong learning. By investing in our education system, we can equip our future generations with the tools they need to succeed in an ever-changing world. I'm a defender of parental rights and I support school choice! 

4. Inclusive Governance: We strongly believe that every voice deserves to be heard. Our campaign will be focused on fostering an inclusive and equitable society where everyone has a fair chance at success. Through open dialogue, community engagement, and advocacy for marginalized groups, we will work towards creating a more just and inclusive Illinois. I shall be your voice and representative. My vote in Springfield will not be my own, but yours.

Also, I will fight for the seniors and veterans to give them the help they deserve. I will fight for our youth, so they can live crime and drug-free lives, offering them tools in education to succeed in their lives. I stand with the Illinois farmers and I will support them with the help and funding they need to fuel this state. 

We invite you to join us in our mission to shape a brighter future for Illinois. Whether you are passionate about economic growth, education, or social justice, there are numerous ways to get involved and make a difference. Together, we can create the change that Illinois deserves.

Stay tuned for upcoming events, town hall meetings, and volunteer opportunities as we begin our journey towards a better Illinois. Connect with us on social media at:, or visit our website: to learn more about our campaign and how you can get involved.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to working together to make a positive impact in Illinois. 

Patricia Bonk

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